Tuesday, September 22, 2015

6 Absolutely Amazing Benefits Of Parsley Oil

The wonders of parsley essential oil are plenty. From boosting the appetite to reducing the blood pressure and frequent urination, this organic ingredient is no ordinary massage oil. It is ancient and has been mentioned several times in the world history. Derived from the plant parsley, it contains a very mild flavor and is often used in the culinary world, particularly Italian.
The benefits of parsley oil are, nonetheless, several. It also has several interesting uses. To know more, continue reading.

What Is Parsley Oil?

Parsley oil is usually extracted from of the roots, seeds and leaves of parsley. The seeds contain more essential oil than the leaves and the roots, and the oil is either colorless or pale yellow in color. Parsley oil was discovered way back in the year 1890 by experts and was used for its therapeutic effects, especially for the nerve health, the brain, and the spine. However, parsley oil should be consumed in moderation. Too much consumption can lead to low blood pressure and deafness.


1. Heals Wounds Faster:

Wounds can become very soft at times and can affect your internal organs. This could cause danger to your overall health and lead to severe damage in the long run. A simple solution to this problem is parsley oil. It will eliminate all the microbes and make you less prone to infections. Not only that, parsley oil will also ease the pain and cramps that people often experience when they are wounded.

2. Detoxifies The Body:

Another healthy way to detoxify your body is by using parsley oil. It contains properties that will successfully flush out all the toxins and waste materials from your body and remove unwanted substances as well. Parsley oil is good for arthritic patients. Plus, it makes you less prone to skin diseases and rheumatism.

3. Aphrodisiac:

Parsley oil can also be used as an aphrodisiac. If you lack that erstwhile romantic charm, parsley oil is a good organic solution. The regular massage and consumption will help you feel the difference sooner than you think. Also, you can also recommend parsley oil to those who want to reduce cellulite from their body. It will make your skin look tight.

4. Menstruation:

Getting your period can sometimes become your worst nightmare. You experience cramps, body aches, lethargy, and less sleep. But don’t worry if you have parsley oil. This oil contains several properties that will make you feel less uncomfortable during your period days.

5. Digestive Aid:

Parsley essential oil is also a good digestive aid. The wonderful and herbaceous smell of this oil will speed the process of digestion and boost the secretion of the digestive juices in your system. This will ultimately make you feel less hungry and allow faster digestion of your food.

6. Skin Benefits:

Parsley oil can also be used for its several skin benefits. If you want to keep your skin free from blemishes, you should mix parsley oil with some tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar and use it as a toner regularly. You can also mix parsley oil with olive oil or almond oil. Apply on the face and rinse after 30 minutes. Your skin will look fresh and smooth.

Is Parsley Oil Safe?

Parsley oil is safe for all except pregnant women. It should also be kept miles away from young children. You should always get a skin patch test done to check whether you have allergic reactions to it or not. Don’t ever use this directly. Consult a doctor before trying this.
So how did you like the post? Have you tried parsley oil before? Were you aware of its several benefits? Let us know by simply leaving a comment below. We would love to hear.

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